State Dept. Howling As HK Exposes Trouble-Making Diplomat Meeting w/HK Radical Leaders


State Dept. Howling As HK Exposes Trouble-Making Diplomat Meeting w/HK Radical Leaders

Huang Zhifeng Luo Guancong admitted to meet with the US consul to meet and discuss the strike


Ta Kung Pao Author: Hao Shou
乱港分子近期大肆施暴,践踏法治,鼓吹“港独”,掀起“颜色革命”、挑战“一国两制”原则底线。 The chaotic Hong Kong elements have recently violently abused the law, trampling on the rule of law, advocating “Hong Kong independence”, setting off the “color revolution” and challenging the “one country, two systems” principle. 经常赴海外勾结反华势力、唱衰国家和香港的黄之锋和罗冠聪,联同港大学生会的黄程锋和彭家浩,被踢爆日前与美国驻港领事、美领馆政治部主管Julie Eadeh密会。 Huang Zhifeng and Luo Guancong, who often collaborated overseas to collude with anti-China forces, sing the country and Hong Kong, and Huang Chengfeng and Peng Jiahao of the Hong Kong University Students’ Union, were kicked out recently with the US consul in Hong Kong and the head of the US Consulate General, Julie Eadeh. 大公报记者调查发现,Eadeh的所谓外交生涯起步于美国国务院的对外心战部门,派驻中东时曾以人权及民主为由,策划颠覆活动,亦曾与美国海军陆战队协调在战争时撤侨,善于处理危机,是一名身份神秘、行事低调的颠覆专家。 The Ta Kung Pao reporter found that Eadeh’s so-called diplomatic career started in the foreign affairs department of the US State Department. When he was stationed in the Middle East, he planned subversive activities on the grounds of human rights and democracy. He also coordinated with the US Marine Corps to evacuate overseas Chinese during the war. Dealing with the crisis is a subversive expert with a mysterious identity and low-key behavior.网传的图文显示,有市民前天(6日)在金钟JW万豪酒店大堂偶遇香港众志黄之锋、罗冠聪,疑联同港大学生会署理会长黄程锋、前外务副会长彭家浩,与一名外籍女士见面。 According to the pictures of the net transmission, some citizens encountered the Hong Kong Zhongzhi Huang Zhifeng and Luo Guancong in the lobby of JW Marriott Hotel in Admiral the day before yesterday (6th). Huang Chengfeng, the former acting president of the Association of Hong Kong University Students, and Peng Jiahao, the former vice president of the foreign affairs, and a former Foreign ladies meet. 当时黄之锋、罗冠聪穿便服,黄程锋、彭家浩则穿恤衫配西裤、犹如面试;外籍女出现时,黄程锋和彭家浩更特意整理衣服。 At that time, Huang Zhifeng and Luo Guancong wore casual clothes. Huang Chengfeng and Peng Jiahao wore shirts and trousers, just like interviews. When foreign women appeared, Huang Chengfeng and Peng Jiahao even arranged clothes. 五人在大堂一处角落地方站立,并未坐下,外籍女望向另一边、准备带队去该酒店内的一个房间密会更高层人士,她手中持有一些文件。 Five people stood in a corner of the lobby and did not sit down. The foreign woman looked to the other side and was ready to lead a team to a higher-level person in the hotel. She held some documents in her hand.

见面翌日众志扬言策动罢课 Meet the next day, all the publicity threatened to instigate the strike

黄之锋昨日被追问下承认,前天曾与美国驻港领事交流,内容包括企图制裁香港的《香港人权民主法案》、要美方不向香港警察出口装备等。 Huang Zhifeng was questioned yesterday and admitted that he had exchanged with the US consul in Hong Kong the day before yesterday, including the attempt to sanction Hong Kong’s Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act and the US side not exporting equipment to the Hong Kong police. 他又声称,自己和罗冠聪曾赴美与当地官员见面,因此与美国领事交流“根本没有什么特别”云云。 He also claimed that he and Luo Guancong had gone to the United States to meet with local officials, so the exchange with the US consul “nothing special at all.” 但他未提到领事身份及有多少美方官员参加会见。 However, he did not mention the consular status and how many US officials attended the meeting. 这次见面翌日即昨日,香港众志在社交网站扬言,正策动九月罢课。 Yesterday, the meeting was held yesterday, Hong Kong Chung Chi threatened on social networking sites and was instigating a September strike.

这个参与密会黄之锋等人的外籍女正是美国驻港澳总领事馆的政治部主管Julie Eadeh。 The foreign woman who participated in the secret meeting, such as Huang Zhifeng, is the head of the political department of the US Consulate General in Hong Kong, Julie Eadeh.

大公报记者翻查资料发现,Eadeh通晓英文、中文、阿拉伯文、法文和西班牙文,2002年在美国乔治城大学取得文学硕士、主修阿拉伯研究,同年经遴选获专门培养政治人才的美国总统管理奖学金,由此进入美国国务院民主、人权及劳工事务局工作。 The Ta Kung Pao reporter found out that Eadeh is fluent in English, Chinese, Arabic, French and Spanish. In 2002, he obtained a Master of Arts degree and majored in Arab studies at Georgetown University in the United States. In the same year, he was selected by the US Presidential Management Scholarship to train political talents. Thus, he entered the US Department of State’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor Affairs. 该局定期发布抹黑中国内地及香港特区人权的报告,是美国重要的对外心战部门,Eadeh亦曾参与编写。 The bureau regularly publishes reports on the human rights violations in the Chinese mainland and the Hong Kong SAR. It is an important foreign warfare department in the United States, and Eadeh has also participated in the preparation.

2004年Eadeh派驻中东,先在沙特利雅得大使馆任政治官员,在当地推动人权事务及民主选举,其后到战火纷飞的伊拉克,在巴格达大使馆任新闻官,曾穿避弹衣到该国北部城市摩苏尔活动。 In 2004, Eadeh was stationed in the Middle East, first as a political official at the Saudi Riyadh Embassy, ​​promoting human rights and democratic elections in the local area, then going to war-torn Iraq, serving as a press officer at the Baghdad Embassy, ​​wearing a bullet-proof vest to the north of the country. City Mosul activities.

心战“专家” 曾撰文大打感情牌 Heart war “experts” have written a big love card

2006年黎巴嫩与以色列开战,Eadeh派驻黎巴嫩贝鲁特大使馆仅一周,随即与美国国防部合作,完成美国在二战后最大规模的撤侨行动。 In 2006, Lebanon and Israel fought, and Eadeh sent the Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon, just one week later, and then cooperated with the US Department of Defense to complete the largest US evacuation operation after World War II.

除战地经验外,Eadeh在所谓外交工作中很注重渗透当地社会。 In addition to the experience of the field, Eadeh is very focused on infiltrating the local society in the so-called diplomatic work. 她曾撰文称,“外交工作”要把“联系”变成“朋友”、“朋友”变成“伙伴”,以一起努力解决共同的挑战、实现共同的目标。 She once wrote that “diplomatic work” should turn “contact” into “friends” and “friends” into “partners” to work together to solve common challenges and achieve common goals.

截稿前,美国驻港澳总领事馆未回应大公报查询。 Before the deadline, the US Consulate General in Hong Kong and Macao did not respond to the Ta Kung Pao inquiries.

夫为华裔美国公民现驻港任经贸领事 Is a Chinese-American citizen currently stationed in Hong Kong as a trade consul

图:Eadeh丈夫名为David Ng(吴仲明),二人均在美国外交系统工作 Photo: Eadeh’s husband is named David Ng (Wu Zhongming), both of whom work in the US diplomatic system.

大公报记者翻查资料发现,Eadeh的丈夫名为David Ng(吴仲明),疑为来自香港的华裔美国公民。 The Ta Kung Pao reporter found out that Eadeh’s husband was named David Ng (Wu Zhongming) and was suspected to be a Chinese-American citizen from Hong Kong. 夫妻二人均常年在美国外交系统工作,目前又皆派驻美国驻港澳总领事馆。 Both husband and wife work in the US diplomatic system all the year round, and are currently stationed in the US Consulate General in Hong Kong and Macao. 不过相比起过往外派工作时经常出席公开活动及合影留念,二人在香港工作两年来极为低调,几乎找不到公开活动资讯。 However, they often attend public events and take photos with them when they work in the past. The two have been extremely low-key in Hong Kong for two years and can hardly find information on public activities.

网页快照显示,Julie Eadeh和David Ng的名字,最早于2017年9月出现在政府礼宾处“领馆及官方认可机构”名单中,估计夫妻二人当时调到香港,二人对外宣称的职位均为领事。 A snapshot of the page shows that the names of Julie Eadeh and David Ng first appeared in the list of “Consulates and Officially Accredited Agencies” of the Government Protocol Office in September 2017. It is estimated that the couple were transferred to Hong Kong at the time. For the consul.

2010年起,Eadeh曾派驻台北和上海、以学习中文;同一时间,熟练掌握中文的吴仲明亦在美国驻上海总领事馆任经济领事。 Since 2010, Eadeh has been stationed in Taipei and Shanghai to study Chinese. At the same time, Wu Zhongming, who is proficient in Chinese, is also an economic consul at the US Consulate General in Shanghai. 与妻子从事政治工作不同,吴仲明的工作范畴主要是经贸,在港时负责联络商界,去年曾到访商会讨论中美贸易战。Unlike his wife’s political work, Wu Zhongming’s work is mainly in economics and trade. When he was in Hong Kong, he was responsible for liaising with the business community. Last year he visited the Chamber of Commerce to discuss the Sino-US trade war.

在Eadeh的家乡密歇根,一间教会的刊物提到,Eadeh和吴仲明先后于12年及14年诞下两个儿子,分别名为Lucas Sun-Yuen Ng和Jacob Sun-Wah Ng。 In Eadeh’s hometown of Michigan, a church publication mentioned that Eadeh and Wu Zhongming gave birth to two sons in 12 and 14 years, named Lucas Sun-Yuen Ng and Jacob Sun-Wah Ng.

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