Guardian deletes 45% of comments BTL to control its Syria agenda

The Graund really has outdone itself – no wonder Viner is cap in hand for donations. They have alienated thousands of their readers over the last 12 months and now they ostracise 45% of the negative comments. What is the point, as one commentor put it, in having the CiF site if no comments not following the farcical line of more killing of Syrians by US/UK head choppers in favour of a resource grab are censored?


The Guardian wasted no time in further exploiting the al Nusra promotional vid it already splurged on its front pages without bothering to check the source. Hardly was it uploaded to the servers before the Graun was using it as a platform to promote – yet again – the (current) official western narrative on Syria, viz that it’s all about Assad and his Russian allies brutalising civilians and some lovely vaguely-defined “rebels”, and if only they could be made to stop everything would be fine.

We have to say “current” narrative because it changes, frequently. Yes, Assad was indeed previously the premier bad guy du jour, but after the failure to get approval for airstrikes against him, the official narrative  started saying ISIS was the problem and no.1 threat to western civilisation, remember? And that remained the line until Russia intervened and started bombing ISIS, which unexpectedly blew that…

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