9/11: How it costs you friends

In US polling some 30% polled stated that they did not accept the government’s “story” and 30% believed they had been deliberately lied to and that the Government was involved. Thirty percent is a lot of people – representative of some 100 million people, that’s an awful lot of conspiracy nuts.


by Harvey Burgess


I recently had an upsetting exchange with a good friend, brought about by my assertion that: “The Americans did 9-11 to themselves.” My remark brought to an abrupt end a perfectly calm and rational discussion, over dinner, about Geo-Politics. I saw a side of my friend I had never seen before. If I had confessed to hacking into his bank account and stealing a thousand pounds he could not have been angrier. He was extremely hostile and refused to engage with me on the subject.

Let me admit straight away that this was not the first time that my opinion on 9-11 had landed me in deep water with friends and family. “Why not avoid the topic?” I hear you ask. Well, often I do but, on occasion, when the conversation moves in a certain direction, I feel compelled to express my views. What is extraordinary to…

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