Amnesty International Admits Syrian “Saydnaya” Report Fabricated Entirely in UK

Well presented. I first read this on 21st wire in which they acknowledge Tony Cartalucci as their source with others including Brandon Turbeville, Moon of Alabama, Scott Creighton, Patrick Henningsen and a whole host of other good names like Proff. Francis Boyle. Amnesty International has previously been shown to use false witness and gerrymandering of facts in other contexts as well, including but not limited to the Donbass conflict. Despite being exposed for their shennanigans they obviously believe that not enough of us are aware of their true nature. For me, Amnesty International has lost all credibility and not just with this report. Now OffG has put it up we can reach a greater audience with the facts – the more reputed Blogs putting it out there the better!
It’s time to let AI know they are not the untouchables.


by Tony Cartalucci from Land Destroyer

What you are looking at is a 3D model fabricated entirely in the United Kingdom, based solely on satellite pictures and hearsay. Passed off as evidence this technique of "forensic architecture" may soon become a new tool in the dissemination of war propaganda if it is not exposed. What you are looking at is a 3D model fabricated entirely in the United Kingdom, based solely on satellite pictures and hearsay. Passed off as evidence this technique of “forensic architecture” may soon become a new tool in the dissemination of war propaganda if it is not exposed.

Amnesty International’s 48 page report titled, “Syria: Human Slaughterhouse: Mass Hangings and Extermination at Saydnaya Prison, Syria,” boasts bold claims, concluding:

…the Syrian authorities’ violations at Saydnaya amount to crimes against humanity. Amnesty International urgently calls for an independent and impartial investigation into crimes committed at Saydnaya.

However, even at a cursory glance, before even reading the full body of the report, under a section titled, “Methodology,” Amnesty International admits it has no physical evidence whatsoever to substantiate what are admittedly only the testimony of alleged inmates and former workers at the prison, as well as…

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