OffG’s PayPal Account has been frozen – please cancel any recurring donations

Do not use PayPal, any company who retains funds belonging to someone else – either the recipient or the sender is in fact guilty of fraud if those funds are not returned or made accessible.


OffG’s PayPal account has been frozen for what are described as “security” reasons. We have no access to the funds you have donated and – given PayPal’s history with other alternative news sites – it’s possible we may not be able to regain access.

Please do NOT make any more donations to this account and cancel any recurring donations you may have set up.

If PayPal closes the account, they will retain the funds and WILL NOT return them to the people who donated. So be warned.

Many of our followers have suggested we move to a Patreon account, and this might be an opportune moment to do this.

We’ll be posting more information about this soon.

UPDATE: We have now set up a Patreon account at

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