Why the argument “JFK was a bad man” misses the point

Well done Catte for pointing those with eyes to see, in the right direction.
If JFK was a bad man, then what were the conspirators who aligned themselves against the people and ensured his assassination? The “good guys”? The kind of “whatabout” crap railing against him serves only to distract from what really happened and why it ever happened and furthermore, why was it covered up and whose interests did his assassination really serve? Certainly not those of the people, it served his enemies within. Dissent against the false narrative regurgitated by the corrupt state regarding his death is the real enemy these “whatabouters” fear and must be silenced and that is achieved by propaganda aimed at “nudging” us to look in the wrong direction.


by Catte

The trouble with the recent “debate” in the comments over the merits of JFK as man and president is it isn’t really a debate. The claims made by our article JFK: the war on our heroes, and the claims made in response BTL are not mutually incompatible or even contradictory.

We point to the numerous sources for JFK having made the decision to confront some powerful forces within the US establishment, and the likelihood of his having been murdered as a response to this.

The alleged “counter claims” that JFK was flawed, selfish, and prepared to play along with the MIC doesn’t in any way rebut this point. Flawed, selfish, corrupt people can stumble into some sort of heroism even by accident. They can, even unwittingly, challenge hidden power structures and be punished for that. And clearly something of this kind happened to JFK. However much his…

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