“Russian Hacking”, a dangerous delusion


by Kit

The author is Yale professor. Yes, seriously.

The Guardian published this short editorial today, its headline reads:

America lost a cyberwar to Russia in 2016. When will we have truth?

Refuting the stale claims repeated in the headline, and expanded upon in the prose, is but the work of a moment. Hitchens’ razor states that any claim made without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence. A Yale professor should know that. Therefore the refutation of the claim “Russia hacked the election” can be made in three simple words: No, they didn’t.

Job done. I consider the article dealt with. But now we have to deal with the undertone. Now we have deal with why this article is scary.

The scary part of this article isn’t the war-like talk about Russia.

The scary part isn’t that this seemingly delusional man is apparently a professor at one of the most…

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2 thoughts on ““Russian Hacking”, a dangerous delusion”

  1. In part, that is the reason I don’t bother trying anymore: you can’t reason with unreason. But I don’t think it’s merely the liberal elite who have lost the plot. The vast majority everywhere, North and South, East and West, is deluded about most things. (Of course, I don’t exclude myself from the lot.)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know what you mean. I walk past my friends home every day with Gracie and chat to him sometimes. He’s the only one of the residents (32 homes) who has any clue whatsoever about world events and the MSM propaganda. It’s a bit bewildering knowing that you are surrounded on so many fronts by ostriches who really do want to keep their heads in the shade for fear of having to engage their brains because the truth of events is all too complicated. I was heartened to learn from a link supplied on OffG that so many of their readers are now challenging the double speak and lies and the Graund is having to shut down the comments section very quickly before it becomes too obvious that the majority are calling them out on their lies.
      It’s a bit sad when such small victories are the highlight of my day.
      I’m disillusioned but so many around me are totally deluded – by their own choice.
      I hope my last email response didn’t upset you, I can be so opinionated and a bit self righteous and I haven’t heard from you since. I hope you are well(as well as can be).
      🙂 S

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