The Praetorian Bodyguards (Of the Empire’s Liars)

Very entertaining and intelligent dissection (or do I mean vivisection) of the current situation regarding cognitive dissonance and alternating cognitive resonance which both Huxley and Orwell feared, for different reasons.


by Greg Maybury

Brief:The response from the mainstream media to Wikileaks revelations of CIA surveillance and hacking – against the backdrop of the MSM and Beltway fuelled brouhaha over fake news, alleged Russian spying and interference in U.S elections, and general animus towards Moscow – is further evidence the Fourth Estate is irretrievably beholden to the amorphous Deep State and the ruling classes du jour. It in turn underscores the MSM’s ever present grip on the broader American political psyche. That it was ever thus has been obvious for decades to all but the most deluded afficionados of life, liberty, democracy, privacy, freedom, the rule of law, the pursuit of happiness, and the American way. With this in mind, it’s time to take a deep breath for an even deeper dive into the cess-pool that is the collective press-pool.

The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to…

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